Thursday 1 April 2010

The best laid plans and a good IDeA

Graeme Hicks
The Improvement and Development Agency is on its way to sort out Cornwall's planners. Some planning councillors were clearly a bit miffed at being told they needed extra training.

But Cabinet planning supremo Graeme Hicks tells me there have been too many decisions contrary to official advice, too many refusals (that's interesting - it's usually the other way round) and that he's had complaints from members of the public, developers and some councillors.

Planning is always controversial - even more so, now that the old district councils have gone and decision-making is less parochial.

Cornwall's planning councillors have been in the job only nine months and it's as well to trouble-shoot any problems sooner rather than later. Some of the old district councils had appalling reputations as planning authorities. The Local Government Ombudsman was routinely publishing critical reports and it was not unusual to see the police getting involved with long protracted investigations into alleged corruption.

I would be really interested to hear of any specific examples of the sorts of decisions which have brought in the IDeA.

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